Power Hour
Tell me where you are right now and what you want to achieve for your charity or business. We’ll go in depth to help you achieve it.
For example, you may want to*:
Explore ways of raising funds for your charity. From grant funding to enterprise and other income streams.
Develop a strategic plan for your event, work out your why (purpose, legacy), who (audience/session leaders/speakers/facilitators), how (participatory/facilitated/presentations) and where (online/venue/combination).
Get an outside perspective with a 'critical friend' review of your business or organisation.
Project development and planning, allow me to support you to get clarity on what you’re doing and how you’ll do it.
In this one-off session I’ll help you get clear and work out your next steps - there is no obligation for further work together.
*Note, we can cover one topic in an hour!
Before booking a Power Hour you're welcome to book a free 20-minute initial chat.